Saturday, May 3, 2008

time for a new blog

Searching "green genocide" or "green death" you will run into several interesting perspectives but at least two of them are really strange ego-trip sorts of authors that seem more interested in getting their names out there as leaders of movements than working with people to really get humane and ethical movements going.

So after only a few days at this blog, we realize the name itself (and its associations) may be poison to the message. We only settled for it because there was no appropriate Soylent Green-related address or screenname left. But it is also clear that one cannot confront this new challenge that Jean Ziegler has called Green Genocide without creating new language around it. Cliches will never work to confront this. For language to have any meaning it cannot be tainted like this terminology is; language about such an alarming new plague, a new mass murderer, should not be burdened with such dead weight.

So we may or may not continue posting here. We'll leave you with this:

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